When I first created this website, I was riding a high wave of success in my weight loss journey. I had adopted a clean eating plan, lost a considerable amount of weight, and felt that I had finally found a sustainable lifestyle. Then, the pandemic hit. For about a year, I maintained my weight loss and was filled with pride and determination. But as the months dragged on, I began to yo-yo, gradually putting the weight back on.

The pandemic brought its own set of challenges, and like many, I struggled. I stopped being consistent with my clean eating habits and lost motivation to share new recipes on my website. I felt embarrassed and ashamed, especially since I had written so passionately on this website about my promise to my dad to get back to a healthy weight and was certain I would maintain it. This wasn’t the first time I had lost a significant amount of weight on my own… it was at least the third time, only to see it return. The shame and frustration were overwhelming, making it hard to share my struggles openly.

I continued like this for about three years and then decided I needed to figure out what was keeping me from losing weight and keeping it off. I knew I needed support. As I was scrolling on Instagram, I found a local weight loss doctor who shared my philosophy about the importance of clean eating. He introduced me to supplements that support gut health, which I have always believed to be crucial. Additionally, he incorporated advanced technologies in his program… red light therapy and vibration therapy to aid in fat reduction and skin tightening. This combination felt like the missing link in my journey.

I now realize that accountability was a major component missing in my previous attempts. Doing it alone was tough, and having external support has made a significant difference. The added technology and the faster progress have given me a much-needed boost, even though I understand the value of a slow and steady approach for long-term success.

Today marks eight weeks, and I’m down 28 pounds. I’m super excited about this weight loss, but even more thrilled because I have someone on my side who is keeping me accountable and cheering me on. And, my amazing husband once again joined me on this journey. I’m excited about being in the kitchen again, experimenting, and finding delicious substitutions that help me feel satisfied without feeling deprived. Even my husband, who is a meat-and-potatoes guy, is enjoying things like cauliflower rice and broccoli rice. It’s been rewarding to see him eating and enjoying vegetables he wouldn’t normally touch.

Now that summer is here, and I have a break—thanks to my job as a teacher’s aide—I’m really focused on getting more recipes up on the site. Especially some of the current ones I’ve been using these last two months during the elimination diet phase of my clean eating plan. Even though my ingredient list is minimal, I’ve been managing to create some truly delicious meals… as you can see in the photo shared with this post.

I hope my story resonates with you and inspires you to keep pushing forward, no matter the setbacks. We are all in this together, and I am here to support you, so don’t hesitate to reach out!
